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To Vřesová studánka from Červenohorské sedlo

Červenohorské sedlo - Bílý Column - Vřesová well

The pilgrimage site Vřesová studánka is located at an altitude of 1274 meters above sea level. There used to be a mountain hut here, but today you will only see a chapel above the spring of the Vřesová studánka, where, according to legend, miraculous water flows out. In ancient times, the healing effect of Vřesová studánka spread around the area, people came here for the miraculous water, until it became a place of pilgrimage. In the past, a church stood above the Vřesová studánka, which now resembles a small cross from a burned-out turret. And it was far from the only building that stood out here. At an altitude of 1,313 meters above sea level, the Vřesová studánka tourist hut also had its doors open for its guests. The red and green hiking trail from Červenohorské sedlo passes around the chapel.


We will start the trip in the popular ski resort Červenohorské sedlo, which is located at an altitude of 1,013 meters and on the historic Moravian-Silesian border. We drive here by car along road 44 connecting Jeseník and Šumperk. We follow the red tourist sign in the direction of Vřesová studánka and start climbing along the paved path. After about 200 meters of walking, there is a chapel dedicated to the victims of the mountains to the right of the path.

We continue to climb the mountain ridge and gradually move away from the Červenohorské saddle, which can be seen from several vantage points. After 2.5 km, we can rest on the benches at the Bílý sloup crossroad. From there, guided by the still red sign, we travel another kilometer and stop at the chapel from 1927, which houses the Vřesová studánka. From the chapel there are beautiful views of the nearby peaks of Spálené vrch, Vozka and the more distant Keprník.

After resting at the well, you can extend the trip and follow the green markings through the Červená hora junction to the rock formation Kamenné okno, from which there is a nice view of the Bělá river valley. After returning to the Červená hora junction, we follow the yellow sign to reach the rock lookout above Vřesová studánka, which offers a beautiful view of the Jeseníky mountains. On the side of the Červené hory, along a well-trodden narrow footpath between brambles, we will meet at the Bílý kříž crossroads and return to the Červenohorské sedlo, following the same path (with a red marker) as at the beginning of the trip, where we complete the circuit. 


30 km by car/one way, 8 km to the well (there and back)


30 minutes by car to the saddle, 2 hours on foot to the well (there and back)








50.145411,  17.134200