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Rafting the Morava River

Variants of routes for a 1-day trip: 1. Hanušovice - Ruda nad Moravou, 2. Ruda nad Moravou - Bludov, 3. Postřelmov - Lukavice, 4. Postřelmov - Vila Háj, 5. Vila Háj - Stodola Nové Mlýny, 6. Stodola Nové Mlýny - Litovel

Experience an unusual trip on rafts, canoes or kayaks on the upper reaches of the beautiful Morava River. A team of professional paddlers will teach you how to operate the boat safely and then you will set off accompanied by our experienced instructors for new unusual experiences. The difficulty of the route will be adapted to the age of the participants and all necessary equipment will be available for hire. There is an ideal train connection along the entire course of the Morava River!


The Morava River rises below the top of Králický Sněžník at an altitude of 1,380 metres in a well. The deep valley separates the eastern and western ridges of the Králický Sněžník mountain range. It forms a steep trough in the southern slope of Králický Sněžník, where it receives several tributaries. Here it has the character of a fast-moving mountain stream, and below it a stream with fast clear water.

The most powerful Moravian river flows like a stream for a long time, then it becomes a challenging river for kayaking experts, and only when it descends to the lowlands is it the right place for water tourism.

In summer, it is usually started in Postřelmov, as there is a year-round favourable flow to launch even a heavily loaded canoe.

Below Moravičany, it flows into the protected landscape area of Litovelská Pomoraví. It is one of the three last preserved original floodplain forests in the Czech Republic. Here you can admire the beauty and wildness and enjoy the landscape without roads and villages.

For more information and to book, visit www.club11.cz.


The nearest boarding point is in Ruda nad Moravou, 10.6 km – 15 minutes by car.


All route variants are for a full-day trip. Possibility to create a two-day trip.








Nearest boarding point: 49.9811444N, 16.8882750E