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Benátky Šumperk – fun with kids

Hotel Perk – Benátky (water areas) – Aquacentrum Šumperk

The only local pond is called by several names - BENÁTKY, ŠENKES or even SCHENKHOF. The German name was derived from the nearby inn of the same name. Later the pond was called Benátky after a weathervane with the shape of a Venetian gondola with a gondolier, which was placed on the roof of the local beach restaurant.


After a short walk from the hotel, you will find a cosy pub, a large jungle gym for small children, a new multi-purpose football/volleyball court, an asphalt circuit for in-line skaters, a workout area, a pum track and a skate park that is truly professional level.

For the little ones, a climbing frame with a 15-metre cable car has been built in the immediate vicinity of the pub. Your children can enjoy it and you can see them from the terrace.

The In Line track is 500 metres long and is illuminated, so you can ride it even after dark.

The staff at the pub or kiosk also provides pedal boat hire. Rental hours are 11:00 - 20:00 daily, weather permitting (May - September).

About 250 m from the pond you will find Aquacentrum Šumperk, which offers an indoor and outdoor swimming pool with a water slide. In the indoor part there is a 25-metre pool (also for competitive swimming) or a children's pool with a water cannon and a curtain.


1,5 km


5 min by car (20 minutes on foot)







GPS coordinates

49.959800, 16.989592