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Family trip to Loučná nad Desnou

Šumperk - Rapotín - Velké Losiny - Loučná nad Desnou

A trip to the mountain village of Loučná nad Desnou, which is the starting point of many hiking and cycling routes, will impress you with its beautiful nature and recreational use. Loučná nad Desnou is the real gate of Hrubý Jeseník, surrounded on almost all sides by a wall of mountains with an altitude of up to 1353 m above sea level.


Loučná nad Desnou and its part Kouty are well known especially to skiers and lovers of Jeseniky nature. There are several ski areas right in the village and in the immediate vicinity, and nearby is the Červenohorské sedlo, the new area in Kouty with a six-seater cable car, and also the Dlouhé Stráně pumped water power plant.

In addition to winter fun, the village of Loučná invites you to take a walk around the monuments. The fairytale impression is enhanced by the castle, which is inaccessible, but the former castle chapel has been transformed into the church of St. Cyril and Methodius and you can walk through the English park.

There is a witch in our fairy tale - she guards the famous children's playground in the whole area, we also find the devil - he spins around the Kocián pond, where you can catch your fish. Above the glittering surface, you can enjoy a great coffee or a cold beer at the Tančírna Café (open in the summer months). Meanwhile, children can have fun on the pirate ship or in the castle, older children will appreciate the skate park or trampolines - everything is within reach in the Kocián sports and recreation complex.

In addition, there are many memorial crosses in the village, in the cemetery you can see the tomb of the famous Klein business family.


By car – 16 km

By bus - Šumpersk main railway station – Loučná nad Desnou – 16 km

By bike (road) – 16 km

DEPARTURE TIME (there and back)

By car – 40 minutes

By bus - 60 minutes

By bike – 2 hours 20 minutes








50.07176535513119, 17.090457375715413