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Sports activities in the Kouty nad Desnou area

Hotel Perk – Kouty nad Desnou

Kouty nad desnou is one of the most famous recreational resorts in the Jeseníky Mountains. It is the largest ski resort in Moravia with the only six-seater chairlift. The village is also a frequent starting point for tourist trips thanks to its accessibility by train. Since 2009, the Rallye Rejvíz, a competition of medical rescue crews, has been held in Kouty nad Desnou every May.



The largest ski resort in Moravia with the first six-seater chairlift in the Czech Republic. The total length of the slopes is 11.5 km and the longest blue slope in Moravia boasts 3050 m. A lookout tower with refreshments is located at the top station of the cable car. The resort also offers professional ski service Montana, Nordica Ski Test Centre, ski and snowboard shop and ski school.

Snowpark Kouty nad Desnou, where freeride skiers and snowboarders will find their own. The length of the snowpark is 410 m, elevation 100 m. The snowpark is equipped with obstacles of varying degrees of difficulty. You will find boxes, rainbow, tubes, wood obstacles, big air, rails and more.

In the ski resort you can also use 27 km of new cross-country ski trails above 1000 m above sea level.

Less than 2 km away is also the Kareš ski resort, which is designed for less experienced skiers.


A total of 14 km of adrenaline ride through terrain waves, twisting turns and steep descents through the forest, where there is a root or stone here and there. The four local trails are colour-coded according to difficulty. They all start at the upper station of the Medvědí hora cable car and end at the lower station of Liščí potok. The easiest, the blue marked Uhlířská trail, should be manageable for any experienced mountain bike owner. The forest trail Stará medvědice is already designed for more experienced riders, as is the red marked Hřebenovka. The most difficult trail is Kutíkův sen, whose 2.5 km of trail is not lacking in serious obstacles and steep descents.

There is a possibility of transporting bikes by a six-seater chairlift. Tickets for the bike park and the cable car can be purchased at the ticket office located on Koutecké square.


The freely accessible natural open-air museum of sculptures made of wood by Mr. Pecháček is located on the banks of the Desná River near the ski resort. The sculptures depict traditional crafts of this foothill region. You will see, for example, foresters, woodcutters, shepherds, forest railway workers and others. There are also various forest elves, grandfathers, little devils and various ghosts. You can sit in the mushroom sitting area, in the witch's cottage or on the devil's tongue. A walk among these statues, ending with a pasture with sheep, is sure to delight children and adults alike.


The two-kilometre cableway is used both in winter for the Kouty ski resort and in summer for transporting tourists heading to the local bike park and the Dlouhé stráně pumped storage plant. (You can find the trip to Dlouhé stráně in the main menu Tips for trips.)


It offers rides on mini mountain bikes on a 500-metre track, bungee trampolines and a slackline. There are also football, tennis and basketball courts, camping and refreshments. There is a modern playground with wooden climbing frames, which is free of charge.

The whole area is wheelchair accessible.



The lookout tower at the upper station of the Dlouhé stráně cableway is 18 metres high and has several floors of views of the surrounding peaks of the Jeseníky Mountains.





All you need is a set of frisbees, which we will lend you and the rental staff will train you on the rules. The course with metal baskets is prepared in a gentle slope at the bottom station of the ski lift to the Snowpark above Koutecky Forest. The rules of the game are similar to golf - just instead of balls, throw discs - frisbees and instead of holes, baskets. The player tries to hit the disc into the basket - the fewer throws the better. The effects on the body are also similar to golf - creativity, fitness and concentration are strengthened, moving in the fresh air relieves stress. The course has 9 holes. It is designed for beginners and advanced players.


The trail project is based on the story of a stray lynx and her cubs who find shelter on the top of Bear Mountain (1163 m). In this area, a unique viewpoint with shelters is created on the Lynx Rock, easily accessible from the top station of the cable car. The nature trail consists of wooden sculptures of animals and forest creatures, Praděd's hut, the lynx den and especially interactive elements of climbing frames and games for children. The trail is loosely connected to the wooden open-air museum Koutecký les. The main guide for visitors is the forest elf Koutík, who asks children questions about the knowledge gained from the individual stops. Children hand in a completed booklet with topics about nature and the Jeseníky region at the information centre in the square and are rewarded for correct answers.


The entrance to the whole attraction starts near the ticket offices, restaurants and guest house and the obstacles are set up on the landscaped lawn. Within one circuit you can try several balance obstacles, such as walking on tipping wooden planks, walking on two ropes, on suspended swings or on spring beams. As part of the admission fee, you can also try walking on a slack line (a walking strap), workout or large trampolines, which are especially popular with children.

But the biggest attraction of the balance park is the giant net tower, where children can walk and jump in giant spider webs several metres above the ground or walk through a wire tunnel or ride on a large slide.


You can rent a scooter together with a helmet at the Helia Sport shop on Koutecké náměstí. You can buy a ticket for the cable car that will take you to the Bear Mountain 1100 m above sea level. With the scooter, you will then have to walk a 4.5 km route and you will get directly to the upper reservoir of the Dlouhé Strání. On the route you can also turn directly to the lower reservoir and avoid the final climb. Afterwards, a wonderful sporting experience awaits you - a 17 km downhill ride on a scooter for about 30 minutes and you will arrive back at Koutecké Square.


In the premises of the Dlouhé Stráně Resort you can visit the newly built bowling hall. The bowling alley has 2 lanes for up to 16 people. Reservations must be made via the online reservation form. https://kouty.cz/bowling/


20 km by car


21 km/25 min. by car

19 km/45 min. by train


easy - medium




yes (adapted paths)


50.09942083854207, 17.121493289996927