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A butique hotel
in Šumperk



Make room for peace and quiet

Enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep in one of our 35 rooms, with views over the neighbouring park, or the distant Jeseníky peaks.

Included in the price

Air conditioning


Filtered water


Free Wi-Fi

Our own natural cosmetics

Self check-in kiosk

Reception 07 - 19 hod

Now it’s your story too

The functionalist Hotel Grand’s story started in the 1930’s. Its glory days came, and then gradually faded – so in 2020, we decided to give it a new lease of life. 

We dreamed of creating a unique space, where contemporary design meets first-class quality. Now, that dream is becoming reality.

Life tastes good here

Cafe by day, restaurant by night, with an atmosphere that’s one-of-a-kind. We’ll make sure your time here is savoured.

Relax, please

Place yourself in the good hands of our masseuses, or relax in the saunas on the hotel rooftop, with views across Praděd.

Corporate events & conferences

Corporate events & conferences

We have created spaces perfect for formal or less formal events. A unique combination of a conference hall with a capacity of 85 people, a beautiful garden terrace and an outdoor bar is at your disposal. We can accommodate up to 79 people in our 34 rooms.

Private events & celebrations

Private events & celebrations

Celebrating a birthday or other special occasion? You can choose from a number of spaces according to your preferences and number of people. A hall with projection technology for 50 people, outdoor terrace with a capacity of 50 people or the Perk restaurant, which is suitable for up to 80 people.



You can say your yes on our blossoming summer terrace. We can plan your wedding banquet in the hall with projection technology for 50 people, on the summer outdoor terrace with a capacity of 50 people or in the Perk restaurant, which is suitable for up to 80 people. Your wedding guests will be accommodated in 34 comfortable rooms.

Where to go?