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A restaurant with an open-plan kitchen, focusing on local and seasonal ingredients.

Reserve a table

+420 733 538 081

Opening hours
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00 – 22:00
11:00 – 14:00
17:00 - 21:00


Creamy fish soup, croutons 4 | 7 | 9included in the price of the main meal

Moroccan Harira soup 7 | 9included in the price of the main meal

Main Course

Kiev chicken, mashed potatoes, herbed butter 1 | 3 | 7

195 Kč

Buckwheat risotto, grilled oyster mushrooms and white asparagus 7

195 Kč

Salad with grilled goat cheese wrapped in phyllo dough, beetroot 1 | 7

195 Kč

Beef Stroganoff, steamed rice, pickled red onion and cucumber, fried shallots 1 | 7 | 9 | 10

240 Kč

Separate larger soup

65 Kč


Scrumbled eggs on brioche 1 | 3 | 7scallion, curd with herbs, little gem salad

145 Kč

Sourdough bread with goat cheese 1 | 7 | 8 | 11mashed green pea, radishes and seeds

115 Kč

Soup of the day

65 Kč

Ham ’n’ eggs 1 | 3 | 7 | 10pastrami, pickled mustard seeds, baked onion, fried oyster mushrooms, sourdough bread

165 Kč

Steamed dumpling 1 | 3 | 7filled with caramelized onion, horseradish sauce, pulled braised pork knee

195 Kč

Wafle 1 | 3 | 7 | 8whipped cream, brown butter sauce with maple sirup and honey

135 Kč


Sourdough bread with spiced lard and butter, homemade cream cheese

85 Kč

Carp pickled and deep fried on potato flat bread, rhubarb, red onion with flat leaf parsley, dill lokše na ohni, rebarbora, listová petržel s červenou cibulí a koprem | 1 | 4

185 Kč

Veal tartar aged cow cheese, hazelnuts, grilled bread

245 Kč

Soup of asparagus and peas, créme fraiche, radishes, croutons 1 | 3 | 7 | 9

145 Kč

Main dishes

Salad pan fried carrots, root parsley and, pea purre, almonds and spiced oil

255 Kč

Groats à la risotto with ramson, spinach, smoked curd cheese and black walnuts

275 Kč

Chicken sourdough bread stuffing with herbs, celery root purée, pickled celery

295 Kč

Rabbit schnitzel deep fried, warm potato salad with radishes and onion, yoghurt and mustard dressing

295 Kč

Pork belly grilled over a charcoal, celery, leek, dumplings with curd, cider sauce, pickled mustard seeds

335 Kč

Svíčková sauce beef top round cut, rowan berries, steamed dumpling filled with caramelized onion and bacon

345 Kč

Trout grilled asparagus, Bernese sauce, salted root granules, tarragon oil

390 Kč

Ravioli with duck ragout and foie gras, rhubarb with pink pepper, salad, hazelnuts

415 Kč

Beef steak potatoes Au Gratin with smoked cheese, walnuts, pickled shallot and asparagus, beef demi glaze

655 Kč

Menu for the kids

Gnocchi with aged cheese sauce with parsley 1 | 3 | 7

145 Kč

Chicken nugget, potatoes 1 | 3 | 4 | 7

145 Kč

Fish, potatoes 1 | 3 | 4 | 7

145 Kč


Lemon sponge cake poppy seeds ice cream, sweet egg yolk foam

145 Kč

Ice cream | Sorbet Daily selection

70 Kč

Simplicity tastes good

Come and sample contemporary Czech cuisine – here, taste and simplicity come first.

I’m proud to be a part of a new chapter of gastronomy in Jeseniky. The creation of the kitchen here at PERK is a return to my roots, and my hometown. Together with local suppliers, we will prepare a menu to excite you – a fusion of Czech ingredients and contemporary culinary trends.

Jan Malý / Head Chef

At one table

Alongside a traditional service, you can enjoy our dishes together, as part of a sharing menu.

Experiences from the fire

Our legendary Josper grill is at the heart of our kitchen. Dishes prepared on the flames of this charcoal-fired grill have an incomparable texture, taste, and tenderness, unachievable through any other means. 

The evening ambiance

Savour the authentic culture of gastronomy. Dishes prepared in an open kitchen, friendly service, good wine, cocktails and homemade dessert – that’s dinner with us.

Something for your sweet tooth

From Tuesday to Saturday, we’ll serve you desserts from our bakery, created by head baker Pavla Krmelová and her team. Let us spoil you with a selection of sweets created with only the best czech ingredients, or order a custom cake for your special occasion. And what is cake without coffee? We prepare ours with beans from the Pikola roastery in Šumperk.