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To Bludoveček on foot or by bike

Šumperk Town Hall - Stables and Farm at Bludoveček - Restaurant at Bludoveček - Mysterious Stone - Praděd Children's Museum - Chateau Orangery - Brusná Lookout Tower - Třemešek Chateau - Autocamp at Krásné

Bludoveček and Zámeček are located on the side of the Chocholik hill, which is part of the Hanušovické Highlands. Bludoveček is the name of a former medieval building that belonged to Bludovské Castle. At present, Bludoveček is a popular excursion destination. There is a nature reserve with game and noble horses and a restaurant with a children's playground.


A pedestrian path runs halfway through the city. From Hotel Perk, head across Hlavní třída, you can walk past the square and Šumper town hall. You cross onto Bludovská Street and head out of town around the cottage area. The path leads along a paved road and is therefore also suitable for strollers and parents with children. After a while you will come to enclosures with tall game and domestic cattle. At the end of the road is the Bludoveček Restaurant, which also includes a children's playground. From the restaurant, you can also go to the Mysterious Stone or the Hradisko ruins.


You can also use the pedestrian route by bicycle. From the restaurant on Bludoveček, you go towards the main road and then towards Bludov or a quieter path between the houses. On the way to the Brusná lookout point is the Zámecká orangerie – a cafe with a flower shop, where you will feel like you're in the jungle. After the climb to Brusná, continue along Nádražní street, towards Sudkov and Dolní Studénky. From Dolní Studénky you can get back to Šumperk or you can extend the route and drive towards Nový Malín and around the Autocamp on Krásné. The autocamp also has a restaurant and the possibility to rent pedal boats. From there back to Šumperk.


16,2 – 25 km


2 – 3 hours


easy (on foot) medium (by bicycle)


yes (on foot)


yes (on foot)


49.942814, 16.924931