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A contemporary hotel in the foothills of Jeseníky. Ideal for long weekends full of good food and mountain adventures, or company events.


Why visit us?

Breakfast is included 
Unlimited use of saunas
A selection of massages and treatments
Bespoke natural cosmetics
Pets welcome
Free Wi-fi
Hotel guest app
24-hour reception
Outdoor terrace for hotel guests only
Bike and ski storage
Private parking

The most important things aren’t always visible

We know a good night’s sleep sets you up for the day. That’s why high quality, orthopaedic mattresses are central to our rooms, all of which are sound-proofed and well-ventilated.

The studio of Lucie Koldová has created an architectural concept which marries atmosphere with functional design, creating space for lasting peace of body and mind.

Choose your room

Life tastes good here.

Straight from the lobby to the garden

Our outdoor terrace is an oasis; the perfect spot to enjoy a morning coffee or evening cocktail. Ideal for romance, family gatherings, or informal meetings with colleagues. 

Discover the magic of Jeseníky


When you return from your adventures…

…we’ll take good care of you

Two Finnish saunas and a relax room transform our hotel rooftop into an oasis of relaxation. On a clear day, you’ll enjoy a view over the Jeseniky mountaintops.

Let us make a fuss

What do you say to aromatherapy oils? Or maybe a hot stone massage? Choose your favourite from our range of spa treatments, and lean back and enjoy.

Massage selection