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Conference rooms

Two rooms, or one big one

Our two conference rooms, Up and Down, have the possibility of interconnection to create one large space with a capacity of up to 80 people

Both rooms are equipped with projectors, screens, and audio capabilities. All equipment, including a variety of tables and seating options, is included in the price of hire.

Enquire now

Arrangement options 


Larger meeting room | stackable chairs - 49 pcs
Smaller meeting room | stackable chairs - 35 pcs
Total capacity - 84 seats


Larger meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 15 pcs, stackable chairs - 30 pcs
Smaller meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 10 pcs, stackable chairs - 20 pcs
Total capacity - 50 seats


Larger meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 14 pcs, stackable chairs - 28 pcs
Smaller meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 12 pcs, stackable chairs - 24 pcs
Total capacity - 52 seats


Larger meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 15 pcs, stackable chairs - 30 pcs
Smaller meeting room | Folding table 120 x 60 cm - 12 pcs, stackable chairs - 24 pcs
Total capacity - 54 seats


We’ll prepare coffee breaks and hot or cold buffets in the hotel lobby, tailored specially to your needs. Or, choose to have lunch or dinner served in our hotel restaurant. After dinner, sit down with a drink in the lobby or outside terrace.

Step outside for coffee

Take a break from work and step straight out of our conference rooms onto an outdoor terrace filled with greenery. There’s nothing better than fresh air to recharge your energy.