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Mountains of experience in Dolní Morava

Hotel Perk - Dolní Morava - Hotel Perk

Dolní Morava is a small village, but it hides mountains of unforgettable adventures, located at the foot of Kralický Sněžník on the border of the Orlické Mountains and the Jeseníky Mountains. Every year more and more attractions are built here. In the winter season, Dolní Morava used to be a destination mainly for winter sports lovers, but today you can find many attractions here all year round, even in the off-season.


The biggest attraction in Dolní Morava is the Sky Walk tower or the Trail in the Clouds with its magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. Recently, however, the Sky Walk has surpassed the Sky Bridge, which is 721 metres long, making it the longest suspension bridge in the world. The Mammoth Roller Coaster, which travels at speeds of up to 50 km/h, will give you a huge adrenaline rush. A chairlift will take you to the attractions, but for determined hikers there are also trails leading to the top of Slamník, where most of the attractions are located. These attractions are open all year round, you just need to keep an eye on the off-season opening times.


For adrenaline lovers, there is the Trail Park, which consists of 7 trails of different levels of difficulty, either for complete beginners or for pros. If you don't have your own bike, it doesn't matter, in Dolní Morava you will find a rental shop where they will lend you all the equipment. At the top exit of the chairlift you will find a mountain scooter rental. The recommended downhill runs along a panoramic trail 15 km long.

Even the smallest among us will find fun here, for example in the Mammoth Adventure Park. For the bigger ones there is the Adrenaline Park, which consists of the Double Big Swing, free fall, climbing wall and many other attractions. The newly built snowmaking lake will also find its use in summer, you can rent a pedal boat or paddleboard and sail out onto the calm surface of the lake.


In the winter season, most people come to Dolní Morava for winter sports. Dolní Morava can offer you over 10 km of ski slopes. It has the longest ski slope in the Czech Republic with a length of 3.7 km. On the slopes you can find Snow trail parks, but also for the smaller ones there are children's Snow parks with ski school.

In the evening, you can enjoy sledging on the dedicated slopes and also night skiing.

There are up to 50 km of groomed cross-country skiing trails in the surroundings of Dolní Morava in connection with the Jesenická Ski Route.


  • - Monastery with the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God Dolní Hedeč
  • - Military Museum Králíky
  • - Klepáč lookout tower


40 km (45 min. by car)


day trip








N 50.9.11, E 16.48.91