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Rešov waterfalls

Hotel Perk - Rešov - Rešov waterfalls

In Jeseníky, 8 km from Rýmařov, is the Sovinecko Nature Park. The most visited place is the national nature reserve Rešov waterfalls. They were dug into a rock gorge by the Huntava River. These are the most beautiful cascades in Moravia. You can admire waterfalls as high as 10 m, interesting is also 35 m high Devil's Wall, which is popular with climbers. A small castle once stood right across the road, its remains from the 13th century can still be seen here today.


We arrive to the village of Rešov by car. The village can also be reached by bus. Leave your car in the free car park.

Then walk along the hiking trails towards the waterfalls. The route is about 1.5 km long and takes us less than an hour. Along the way we see the Fialův mlýn, its current form dates back to the mid-18th century, today it serves as a recreational facility.

After about 500 m we arrive at the waterfalls. We reach them by wooden footbridges and steps. The main waterfall is about 10 m high, above it there is another three-meter high waterfall, but it is reached by wooden stairs. If you are interested, the trail goes further - the green trail leads to the ruins of Rešov Castle and then further to the village of Skály and the red trail leads to the village of Tvrdkov. However, we stay at the waterfalls for a while and then slowly walk back the same way towards the car park.


by car 36 km (hotel-Rešov village), 3 km (on foot to the waterfalls, there and back)


by car 45 minutes, on foot 1.5 hours








49.8815389N, 17.2100025E