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Celebrate with us

There's always a reason to celebrate

Birthday or other special day? We will be happy to prepare the perfect celebration for such joyful event. We offer several spaces that we will prepare and decorate according to your wishes.

Where we prepare the event
On the terrace

On the terrace

You can celebrate your day on our blossoming summer terrace with seating at the bar. It is possible to organize an event for 50 people on the terrace.

In the hall

In the hall

You can also you the hotel hall as a place for your event. The hall is equipped with projection and sound system. It is possible to organize an event for 50 people in the hall.

In the Perk Restaurant

In the Perk Restaurant

The largest space is the Perk Restaurant, in which you can organize an event for up to 80 people. In the restaurant you can directly look into the kitchen.

Catering & Drinks

We can provide catering for you private event in the form of served lunch, dinner or buffet.

To refresh yourself, you can choose from our wide range of drinks, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic, mixed, or classic draft beer.

Big celebration, big cake

If you wish, the pastry chefs from the Perk restaurant will prepare a cake for your event. It is up to you how big you want the cake to be and how you want it to look.

Get a price offer

For a price offer, please contact us on +420 731 656 754 or fill in the form. We will contact you afterwards.

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