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A buffet you'll love

From coffee breaks to served dinners

We will prepare coffee breaks to your needs and hot or cold buffets in the hotel
lobby. You can also choose served lunches and dinners in the Perk restaurant.

Why us?

Food preparation on the legendary Josper grill

Sweets from our confectionery

A drink in the summer bar on the terrace

Speciality coffee from the Pikola roastery in Šumperk

Coffee break

Want to take a break with a good cup of coffee, or even enjoy a small dessert with your coffee? Choose from our selection of coffee breaks.


Coffee break Drinks
Filtered coffee, tea, our syrup,
filtered water

Coffee break Basic
Filtered coffee, tea, our syrup,
filtered water, sweet snack

Coffee break Standard
Filtered coffee, tea, our syrup,
filtered water, sweet snack, salty snack

Coffee break Premium
Filtered coffee, tea, our syrup,
filtered water, sweet snack,
2x salty snack

Lunch & Dinner

We can arrange a one to seven course lunch or dinner for you and your friends.


Served lunch/dinner
1-course meal
main dish

2-course meal
starter/soup, main dish

3-course meal
starter/soup, main dish, dessert

Tasting menu
we will prepare a 5-course to 7-course menu to your specifications


For larger gatherings (from 20 people) we can offer a buffet. We will prepare a cold or hot buffet according to your wishes.


2x starter, 1x meat dish, 2x side dish, 1x dessert

2x starter, 2x meat dish, 2x side dish, 1x dessert

2x starter, 2x meat dish, 1x fish, 3x side dish, 1x dessert

Get a price offer

For a price offer, please contact us on +420 731 656 754 or fill in the form. We will contact you afterwards.

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